Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is Trixie's 10th birthday!

But other than that, I am very sick. My throat is extremely sore and it is making it hard to breathe, and when I talk I sound like a depressed 30 year old smoking man. Plus, I could sleep last night because my back has decided that it is going to hurt no matter the position I lay in.
This morning I woke up at nine and let Trixie out and then went back to sleep. A couple hours later I woke up and Trixie was barking and I tried to yell at her to stop, but no sound came out. So I had to get up and let her back in. I skipped my first two classes because when I tried to get ready, my head started spinning. But I had to go to choir because it is attendance based, so I got there and was happily doing my crossword when the teacher came and told me I couldn't do it anymore. After class, my friend E and I went to Starbucks and I got a ginormous Chai tea, which helped my throat some, but it is not really much better.

I am about to take a shower until I have prunes for fingers to see if the steam and heat helps some.