Saturday, March 7, 2009


Had quite the dream last night...

Started out in some sort of barracks or something, where I lived next to this man I was interested in. And there were these evil beings that took you over...kind of like yeerks from Animorphs, you know? He came in one day and we started hanging out...and then I think it sort of jumped forward where we were hanging out at his sort of hotel room, and then I had to go to the bathroom. The room didn't have a bathroom in it, so I had to go to a sort of communal one. When I was coming out of it, there was some sort of man in a Jason (like, the freaky killer guy) mask that made me scream really hard, but then I started laughing because it was just some person dressed up.
So I went back to the room and the guy was sitting there, so I went over and we talked or whatever.
After a while, he want to go get food or something, and his ex or something comes barging in and says she wants to know where he is or she loves him and that he'd been missing for days, or something similar...and I was confused because he had been with me minutes ago. Then she shows me a paper where he had been missing for days...and then I remembered some random fact about Jason, that he can create illusions or covers (I doubt if that's a real fact, that is just what my dream said, haha).
So this begins a grand trip to try to find him...we go all over this failing world - famine, disease, ect, by the evil guys. This part is a little fuzzy, but at some point we found my guy...who helped protect me from some evil dogs...and then he got taken away again? Or something. At some point, an older couple, a small child, and some sort of male doctor join us. We get back to the hotel room from the beginning and I have MAJOR de ja vus. We had already done this! Turns out we had done this entire story before, but he left a way for us to get to him. And he left a hint somewhere for us.....he wrote a date onto the cupboards in the room, which led to a filing cabinet...which led to ANOTHER envelope.
I found the last clue, which held warm clothing and hats....this is when the older couple said they couldn't come with us, so we started crying and saying how much they had helped us (which I'm sure they did, I just can't remember it), while the rest of us got dressed to go save my guy...

that was when I woke up. haha. Is this some sort of movie?

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