Friday, October 30, 2009


My grandpa passed away this morning. It was peaceful, and he was with at least two of his sons and one daughter-in-law. He was the most loving man I will ever know - loved my grandma with all his heart from the first time he saw her...63 years ago. We lost my grandma two years ago this May, and his heart had been broken ever since. He was a strong, caring grandfather who lived for his family - loving us more than we deserved. I saw him last week, when he was a little better...when I was sitting with him in the early morning, he woke up and told me he loved me, and that I was beautiful. He told me to get married and name my son after him. I am going to miss not having my grandparents meet my future husband, or at my wedding, or see me graduate from college, but I will always carry a part of each around with me.